خنك آن دم كه نشستيم در ايوان من و تو به دو نقش و به دو صورت به يكى جان من و تو رنگ باغ و دم مرغان بدهد آب حيات آن زمانى كه در آييم به بستان من و تو اختران فلک آیند به نظاره ما مه خودرا بنماييم به ايشان من ه تو من و تو بى من و تو جمع شويم از سر ذوق خوش و فارغ ز خرافات پريشان من و تو طوطيان فلكى جمله جگرخوار شوند در مقامى كه بخنديم بر آن سان من و تو اين عجبتر كه من و تو به يكى كنج اين جا هم در اين دم به عراقيم و خراسان من و تو
khonak an dam keh neshastim dar eyvan, man o to beh do naqsh, o beh do surat, beh yeki jan, man o to rang-e-bagh o dam-e-morghan bedahad ab-e-hayyat an zamani keh dar ayyim bebostan man o to akhteran-e-falak ayand beh nazzareh-ye ma mah-e-khod ra benemayyim beh ishan man o to man o to, bi man o to, jam’ shavim az sar-e-zowq khosh o faregh ze khorafat-e-parishan man o to tutiyan-e-falaki jomleh jegarkhor shavand dar maqami keh bekhandim bar an san man o to in ‘ajabtar keh man o to beh yeki konj inja ham dar in dam beh ‘eraqim o khorasan man o to
Sitting here, you and I, the courtyard breeze is cool Two images, two forms, one thought, you and I The orchard-shades, the songs of birds give up the world’s secrets When we find ourselves here in this garden The stars of distant galaxies come to gaze on us You and I, together, we show them the moon You and I, without ‘you’ and ‘I’, we are absolute joy Happy, free from empty words, such are you and I All those birds of paradise, full of childish envy While in that same place, you and I, we cannot help but laugh What’s truly strange is you and I, here together, now At once here in the west and at once here in the east such we always were You and I

Man O To
Hideyuki Tabata
Hideyuki Tabata